On Thursday, Jameson & I went to Waverly to move Kindra's stuff home from college. We both commented that it felt like we had just moved her there and we are already moving her home. Kin had just finished her Organic Chemistry final (note: taking Organic Chemistry for a May term class in 3 & 1/2 weeks - NOT a good idea!) so she was exhausted. Jameson and Connor carried SO many loads to the van while Kin & I packed up - Kindra is definitely a pack rat. Her dorm is not air conditioned, so it was extremely hot and hard work. Afterwards, we hit Dairy Queen and took a long walk around town. It's such a pretty little town. Here's Jameson, Kindra & Connor are by the river.

Kin & Connor:

Kindra was happy to have both of her guys with her - probably so she didn't have to do all of that moving on her own!

When walking over the bridge, we could smell the heavenly smell of chocolate from the Nestle plant that is close by. Ahhhhhh..... one of the best smells in the world - chocolate!

Back on campus, we went to the dorm where Kin is going to live next year (this dorm is air conditioned, thank goodness!) and saw some of Connor's artwork from this last semester.

At the end of the day, this is how we all felt (totally exhausted!). We all told Kin that she has no choice - must take less stuff next fall!